Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Numbness Was Worth It

Having been told I was silly for trying to go overland to Cambodia, when there are perfectly reasonable flights from Bangkok into Siem Reap, I feel justified. Yes, my butt was ridiculously sore. Yes it was crowded and dusty and smelly at times. But it was beautiful, and as a geographer, very grounding to see the landscape change. I only wish I'd taken more photos.

But, here are some beautiful ones for you, with the mist rising in the early morning (did I mention the train left at 5:55am?).

This wee baby and his family kept me entertained for many hours of this journey :) 48 baht (2 NZ dollars) well spent.

I say "bah" to those who told me to fly.


  1. He's so cute! Glad you had a good time on the train.

  2. The landscape of Thailand is so beautiful. I'm so jealous you got to go by train to Cambodia! I went to Western Thailand once from Bangkok by bus, but I was so car sick I couldn't enjoy it!

  3. I know, isn't he cute? And the landscape was beautiful, especially in the early morning like these pictures when it was more fog/less dust.
