Wednesday, March 2, 2011

At the end of the world. Almost.

Many things have happened over the last month. Lots good. Some not so good.

One week ago today, a large earthquake hit Christchurch. Actually, if you look at this website, over 300 earthquakes have hit since this time last week. About a third of the central business district of Christchurch has been destroyed, and many lives lost. New Zealanders and visitors from abroad seem to be picking themselves, dusting off the liquefaction, and finding solace and humour wherever they can. My friends, down for the weekend to see me off and gather supplies in untouched Dunedin, seem rather excited about their bucket/toilet contraption (oh for clean running water and power). Love to you all in Christchurch. And keep safe, will you?

In the weeks preceding the earthquake, I did all those organizational things one does before a trip around the world. International Driver's License. Check. A will (seems more real in light of this terrible last week). Check. Spray clothes with terribly hazardous chemical substance to kill all mosquitos and prevent malaria. Check. Get jabbed with far too many needles so as to survive anything barring nuclear war. Check. Spend time with friends and family and remember how much I love my peeps and Dunedin. Check.

 Crooks and Kanes together again

 Biking with mum along the harbour.

I also made an itinerary and bought plane tickets. So, if any of you out there happen to know of beautiful free apartments coming available in New Delhi, Mathura or Agra at the time of Holi, shoot me an email :)

These are my plans (subject to change):
March 2 (yes, I know, that's soon!) arrive into Bangkok, Thailand.
March 4 cross over into Cambodia, and explore Angkor Wat.
March 5-16 meander through Cambodia, making sure I'm at Phnom Penh on the 16th for my flight to India.

March 16 arrive into New Delhi, India.
March 17 buy a Sari so as to pretend to myself that I could possibly fit in with the locals.
March 18-30 wander around the Northern part of India, hopefully not losing my eyes to errant toxic paint during the festival of colour.

March 30 fly from India to Nairobi, Kenya to see Diana :)
April spent in Eastern Africa. Perhaps some part in Madagascar. Let's just wait and see what other countries can erupt with unrest or natural disasters. Anyone else feel like we're in the script of the straight-to-tv sequel to The Day After Tomorrow?

April 28 fly up to my brother in Berlin!
Sometime from April 28-May 5 buy a bike, and learn how to ride it.
May 6? Take the train from Berlin to Amsterdam (What, you thought I was actually going to ride that?)
May 7? til June 1 Bike from Amsterdam to Paris (It's flat. And there are tulips)

June 1 to June 7 Meet my parents in Paris for a week of croissants and mimes.
May 20 2011- May 20 2012 I'm legally allowed to be in France, talk french, eat more croissants and baguettes, and be gainfully employed should I so choose, or need—having run out of money.

The next you hear from me, I should be being overwhelmed by Asia.
Wish me luck!
(And also send me your addresses if you want the possibility of incomprehensible postcards).

Much love,


  1. You forgot to mention that while you were here you made earrings from FIMO and stationery using your paper making kit. You tried to read all the books you been meaning to read for ages, but were having to leave behind.
    You dug potatoes, picked lettuce, weeded the garden, chased the rooster and tried out your hammock (oh the giggles). It was wonderful having you home and filling the space.

    Now you're off gathering new experiences; we're so looking forward to hearing your stories. Travel well.

  2. As always,you are right, mum :)
    Thanks for the reminder.
