Thursday, May 26, 2011

They like to bike, you say?

The Netherlands is a little bit bike crazy. Just a little bit. It is absolutely wonderful to cycle here. You look in any direction and you can see someone on a bicycle.

However, some things to note. They are very casual about their biking--I was, and still am, just about the only person wearing a helmet... Give or take the puffs of smoke resembling people I see zooming past, that are probably actually athletes training for the olympics, and are undoubtedly sponsored by a helmet company (Linnea, was that you?!). See, even this guy wasn't wearing his helmet. What would his mother think?

Also, they generally have beater bikes with the biggest chains you've ever seen. This tells me that the bike theft problem is no joke. This leads me to the next point. Free inside parking! Amazing. This place was run by the city of Haarlem and was free during the day (.50 euro overnight). Absolutely wonderful to know that Hedgiflora was safe and warm inside before we started out on our journey :)

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